Monday, April 9, 2012

LED Lighting Labels to Become More Informative

LED Lighting Labels to Become More Informative

For as long as I can remember there’s always been some sort of debate about labeling.  No, I’m not talking social labeling like geek or jock or what have you, but the kind of label that goes on your soda bottle, medication,  and other products you buy.  Mainly that debate is what absolutely needs to be included and what the manufacturer can have the option of including.

Starting last month, LED lighting manufacturers had the option of adding more information to their labels.  The original information – metrics, lumens, watts, efficacy, color rendering index and correlated color temperature – could be joined by lumen maintenance, warranty metrics, or both of those things.  This means the possibility of four different labels you may have to study and understand when choosing a new LED light, but it shouldn’t be that hard.

According to, the new information would ride on the label just beneath the correlated color temperature, bumping down information like the registration number, model number, type and the IESNA LM-79-2008 information (the industry standardized test procedure that measures performance qualities of LED luminaires to allow true comparisons to other types of lighting).

When it comes to LED lighting, I think the more information out there, the better.  Many consumers still hesitate to grab an LED bulb, mainly because of initial price.  Maybe having this extra information will take more LED bulbs to the checkout counter.

One can only hope. - this website is for a US DOE program

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